Click on any of the titles below to see each respective Collaboration House Psychology policy. We strongly encourage clients to read the information and discuss any questions they have with their individual psychologists. Verify registration and license statuses of our psychologists here.
Telehealth Session FAQs
At Collaboration House Psychology, we have been proponents and practitioners of telehealth for years and have seen the benefits it can provide. In times of the need for flexibility in accessing mental health services, we are honoured to provide support for you in this format. Here is a quick-start guide to get your sessions going.
Day of your Session: Good Tips for Quality Connection

Restart your computer before the meeting
Make sure you have a stable internet connection or WiFi; Consider connecting to the internet with an ethernet cord; Using Chrome or Firefox as your browser can sometimes be better than Safari or Microsoft Edge, and
Make sure you have the most current update for your browser & Zoom
If you’ve not used Zoom before, watch this clip on Joining a Zoom meeting
Before the Session Starts
Make sure to have a private space where you won’t be disturbed or heard. This may be in a bedroom, home office, or even, if needed, in a large closet, basement, or in your car in your driveway (please do NOT worry about clutter or messy surroundings as we will only be focusing on you and your emotional needs).
If you live with others, make sure family members don't disturb you (though if young kids are at home we can brainstorm options); you might consider using a white noise machine or a small fan on outside the door of the room you are in to mask the sound so you won’t be heard outside the door.
You will need a laptop or desktop computer with a video camera and microphone (these are built in to most laptops), tablet, or a smartphone.
With Telehealth video, the camera view needs to capture your whole face. This helps your therapist assess your emotional needs (though if phone or loss of video, we can brainstorm options).
Using earphones/buds plugged in/synced to the computer helps maintain privacy and improves sound.
Make sure all unnecessary web-browsers are closed, your phone is turned off or placed where it won’t distract you, and that no one else in your home is using the wifi for streaming (or at all, if possible).
Be Comfortable! Find a comfortable position, perhaps a favourite chair, or pillows or a throw blanket, a cup of tea or essential oils, so you can create a healing, soothing environment for yourself in this time to care for yourself
Beginning a Session
Technology has made it easy to access telehealth, and we have multiple options. Our primary platform is a secure platform called Zoom that we’ve been using for years. Zoom has made recent security updates to increase privacy protection.
To begin a session you simply click on the URL link after ‘Join from a PC, Mac, iOS or Android:’ sent to you in your email or cut and paste (or type) the URL link in the into your internet browser on your computer about at our scheduled appointment time. You may be asked to download Zoom software to join the session if you have not used Zoom before. This will take you to our virtual waiting room and you will just relax and wait until the therapist joins the session, much like an in-person session.
Make sure your volume is up and that your video and microphone and video camera are on (usually this happens automatically). You can use the Zoom “Video Settings” to check your video, audio, and microphone.
There is a chat function on the bottom of the screen so we can type a message to each other if we can’t hear each other-If the signal is bad, simply restart your computer and copy and paste the URL link back into your browser and wait for me to join again.
If more than two minutes have gone by and you haven’t been able to re-connect with me on Zoom feel free to call me at 0490 973 552, or I will call you.
Telehealth Pros and Cons
Telehealth has similar impact as in-person treatments
Can be by video or phone
Less chance of exposure to COVID-19
Sessions in the comfort of your own space
Don't have to drive to session!
Overall, if you're familiar with using computers or smartphones, telehealth is safe, effective, convenient, and an important tool in maintaining continuity of care.
Generally only shows faces rather than full body, some body language can be missed.
If there is a poor video or sound connection, communication can be difficult or less clear.
Like with texting conversations, it’s important to check in and make sure what you are communicating and what you are hearing is accurate and understood as intended.
Are there risks to using telehealth?
Risks are minimal and similar to beginning therapy, though we will need to identify appropriate emergency plans and contacts if they were to be needed. In some cases I may deem that telehealth is not appropriate or safe to use and we will discuss alternatives if this is the case.
Anything else I need to know?
You will be asked to complete a consent form before we begin our first session. You will also be asked to confirm your location at the start of each session and attest that others are not present and that the session is not being recorded. We’ll be happy to address any other questions or concerns you might have, and are looking forward to being able to continue to support you in this way and help you navigate the issues you are experiencing and these unprecedented events with resilience and meaning.

FAQs and Policies at CHP
Telehealth Sessions FAQs
Face-to-Face Sessions FAQs
Confidentiality Policies
Privacy Policies

FAQs and Policies at CHP
Telehealth Sessions FAQs
Face-to-Face Sessions FAQs
Confidentiality Policies
Privacy Policies
Face-to-Face Sessions FAQs

In-person/Face-to-face sessions
At this time, the vast majority of appointments will still be offered via telehealth.
If you would like to book a face-to-face appointment for yourself or your child, please understand these sessions are offered to clients on a case-by-case basis in consultation with their psychologist based on clinical assessment of the appropriateness of service delivery and when all COVID Safe measures (A &B below) are followed. As we are AHPRA registered providers and are required to follow Public Health Orders and Work Health Safety Laws, we require the following to provide the safest environment we can for our clients, community, and everyone here at CHP.
Parking. When attending in-person sessions, remember to give yourself ample time to find parking. Parking is available in front of our offices (1hr), side of building (4hr), behind building (4hr), just past the bus stop (1hr), and across the road from our building after 9am (5hr).
Please note:
While all reasonable precautions are being taken to reduce COVID, Flu, & other respiratory transmission risks via these policies and procedures, this does not eliminate the risk of transmission.
(A) Do I need to wear a face mask?
Yes. All persons attending CHP will need to wear a face mask as we are categorised as a health facility.
(B) What do I need to on the day before the appointment?
Let us know that you or you and your child are well by filling in the CHP Health Survey. A link will be sent with your appointment reminder SMS. Complete this at least 6-8 hours before your appointment. If we do not receive this, your appointment will be automatically rescheduled as a telehealth appointment.
Check in at your appointment time; do not arrive before, our wait area is closed at this time to minimise contact.
What if I forget to bring a mask to the face-to-face sessions?
We can provide a mask to you for $2+GST. We have a small supply of face masks available should you or your child forget to bring your face mask. Each face mask provided to you is $2+GST and added to your session invoice for payment. Medicare does not rebate mask purchases.
Are there exemptions to mask-wearing in face-to-face sessions?
Yes. There are exemptions to mask-wearing. Please see the full list of exemptions for not wearing a mask. People with exemptions for not wearing a face mask should discuss removing their masks with their psychologist before removing their masks, still keep at least 1.5 metres apart from others, practice regular hand hygiene by washing or sanitising hands frequently, continue to comply with the Public Health Directions currently in force, and get tested if unwell (even with mild symptoms).
What if I’m not well/sick, can I still come in for a face-to-face session?
No. In short, please phone to schedule a telehealth session. More information here: Feeling Sick? and our Non-attendance Policy
Non-attendance & Reschedule Policy/Fees
Collaboration House Psychology will charge the full appointment fee for any appointments that are not cancelled or rescheduled a full two (2) business days before the scheduled appointment time (this includes 'no show' appointments). The fee will be charged to the credit card/payment details held on file.
All outstanding fees need to be paid before any other appointments are offered.
Business Day/Hours of Operation are Monday through Friday 9am to 6pm, excluding weekends and public holidays.

If you need to reschedule or cancel an appointment, it is important that you email and or phone the clinic to notify us at least 48 business hours’ notice in advance from your appointment time (i.e., Wednesday 2pm appointment needs to be cancelled/rescheduled before 2pm Monday to not incur a Non-Attendance Fee; For Monday appointments this is notice before your appointment time on Thursday) – Please be aware that public holidays do not count as business days/hours.
We have this policy in place as other clients may benefit from the open appointment time.
In the unfortunate event of illness within the 48 business hours ahead of your appointment, you'll be offered a Telehealth Video or Phone session as an alternative, otherwise the Non-Attendance & Reschedule Policy Fee will apply.
Keeping appointments made are the responsibility of the client, you may receive a courtesy reminder. We have a waiting list and there are usually a number of clients waiting for appointment times to arise.
A fee is charged for cancellation/reschedule/no-show of an appointment:
Less than 48 business hours before the appointment start time, half session fee + GST and
Less than 24 business hours before appointment start time or non-attendance, the full session fee + GST
NOTE: Medicare does not refund/rebate non-attendance fees; the client is responsible for payment. Messages received out of hours regarding cancellation/rescheduling of appointments will still have the 48 business hours policy applied.

Confidentiality Policy at CHP
What we discuss is kept confidential as per the CHP Privacy and Health Records Policy. All information disclosed within sessions is confidential and may not be revealed to anyone without written permission except where disclosure is permitted or required by law. These situations include, but are not limited to: (a) when there is reasonable suspicion of abuse to a child or to a dependent or elder adult; (b) when a client is at risk of harm to others; (c) when a client is at risk of harm to themselves; or (d) when disclosure is required pursuant to a legal proceeding. If you would like your therapist to discuss your information with another health professional, or other relevant person they will request the client to complete a written consent to release information form. If you are using Medicare Better Access or Telehealth Scheme, it is a requirement that I write a brief report to your referring Doctor after: the 1st, each 6th & 10th and final appointment. We’ll talk about the report before it is sent out.
For Children and Adolescents, it's been well established that if children and adolescents feel they can see a psychologist in confidence, they are more likely to do so and more likely to continue to engage in therapy and engage in problem solving for their issues. Therefore, unless it's a life-threatening, immediate risk of self-harm, the child's/adolescent's confidentiality is paramount. We also value connection and communication, and we will work with clients on how to share information important to the relationships that mean the most to them. Your child's/adolescent's psychologist will discuss this more with you both.
Additionally, In order to maintain and develop psychologist skills and expertise, as therapists, we engage in professional supervision and peer consultation throughout our careers. This may involve discussing clients’ issues in a non-identifiable way in consultation.
Privacy and Health Records Policy
Privacy and Health Records Policy Collaboration House Psychology (CHP) is committed to best practice in relation to the management of information we collect. Our Privacy and Health Records Policy has been developed in compliance with the Privacy Act (1988) and Health Records Act (2001). To provide the best health care to you, Collaboration House Psychology requires your consent to the collection, recording and appropriate or necessary communication of relevant personal mental/health information.
By proceeding with the establishment of a file for you and with booking or meeting with our clinician(s), you have indicated your consent that any private mental health and health care information provided, obtained or recorded in the establishment or continuance of your mental health care relationship with Collaboration House Psychology will be kept and managed in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us on 0490 973 552 or email
What Personal Health Information Is Collected And Why Information that relates to, or assists in, providing good mental health care to the client is collected. This includes: personal identification and contact information (including important relationships such as carers, guardians or emergency contacts); medical history, current mental/health problems and other aspects of the client’s life and development; and information required for billing and Medicare claiming. Client records will be stored digitally, for 7 years for adult clients or 7 years after the 18th birthday of adolescent clients.
We hold, use and disclose personal information:
to provide health services to you
to communicate with you
to comply with our legal obligations, such as mandatory reporting
to help manage our accounts and administrative services
to liaise with other professionals involved in your or your adolescent's health care, and
to liaise with your health fund, government and regulatory bodies, as necessary.
Information Collected For Billing and Administration Purposes Parents or guardians are legally responsible for the care of their adolescent and for associated fees for care provided by Collaboration House Psychology. The name of these parents, guardians or other carers, as well as their contact information, is required for billing and the lodgment of Medicare claims and rebates. This information is stored in client files and used for both administrative and clinical purposes and managed in the same way as other clinically-needed information, as described in this policy. Any outstanding accounts and related information may, after a reasonable time, be handed over to a third party for legal or debt recovery purposes.
Who Collects and Uses This Information? Administrative/reception personnel and treating clinicians will collect and manage identification, contact, billing and family relationship information and may also record, for the purposes of relaying to clinicians, some information pertaining to mental/health care and current problems. Clinicians record information about mental/health and developmental issues, including information about the client’s life, relationships and social contexts where relevant.
Clinicians will also convey and share relevant aspects of this information to other clinicians and supervisors to assist in treatment or to refer the client to another clinician when needed. Such communications will be deidentified, treated as confidential and privacy will be maintained.
How the Security of Your Information is Maintained Information is stored electronically and recorded directly into practice software programs or transferred into these from paper records. Paper records are mechanically shredded onsite once they have been converted to a digital record or become otherwise unnecessary. Practice staff and clinicians are trained to avoid leaving private and confidential information where it can be viewed by others. Files and programs are accessed only via password by authorised staff and clinicians.
Transferring Health Information Adult clients, Carers/guardians, or mature adolescent clients may arrange to have access to or copies of some or all of their mental health records by speaking to their clinician or another staff member and agreeing on an appropriate format. Provision of personal mental/health information to third parties will require written client/parental/legal guardian or mature adolescent client consent and this will be noted and copied into the record. Where a third party requests the information from the practice about a client, an appropriate staff member or clinician would discuss the request with the mature client or the parent/legal guardian(s) and written consent would be sought before the request was acted upon.
This practice prefers to transfer client information to GPs, clinicians, or others the client requests, digitally, by email and fax. Clients should initiate their request for information with their clinician or with administrative or reception staff in person or by phone, letter or fax. The request will be followed up with a phone call or email to the client or client parent/legal guardian for confirmation of information to be sent and to whom.
Audit and Research From time to time, Collaboration House Psychology may participate in practice audits and research. Audits and research are important ways of maintaining high standards in practice. Privacy and confidentiality of records would be protected by de-identification. Informed consent would be secured in any other case.
Teenagers and Young Adults As a person matures, particularly into later adolescence, they will increasingly take charge of their personal mental/health information and any matters of consent that would arise. Younger adolescents growing towards this maturity may also need to begin taking responsibility for aspects of their mental/health decision-making. For mature and maturing adolescent clients, Collaboration House Psychology will generally continue to encourage all appropriate parental, carer and legal guardian involvement in decision-making, bookings and appointments, as well as general support in co-operation with the older adolescent client who has consented.
Access to Medicare Benefits Scheme Information regarding Eligibility for MBS Items Where Collaboration House Psychology (CHP) conducts an enquiry using the MBS Items Online Checker, for each enquiry CHP must obtain the patient's/person acting as the patient's agent's verbal consent. CHP declares that:
CHP will inform the patient/person acting as the patient's agent that CHP will be making a request to Medicare systems to ascertain if the selected MBS item codes will be eligible for claiming under the Medicare Benefits Scheme
To the best of CHP knowledge, the patient/person acting as the patient's agent has understood CHP’s request; and
The patient/person acting as the patient's agent will have provided verbal consent to this enquiry.
Access to Personal Information, Questions and Complaints You have a right to seek access to and correct the personal demographic and contact information we hold about you. If you have any questions or concerns about privacy-related issues, please contact us. If you wish to complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles or the handling of your personal information, you may lodge a written complaint. Written complaints are generally responded to within 30 days. Post to: Collaboration House Psychology, 3/143 Main St, Greensborough VIC 3088.

Our practice is operating under a COVID Safe plan and taking necessary precautions to protect your safety on this premises. If you have any queries about what we are currently doing to ensure we maintain an optimal level of safety, please do not hesitate to discuss these efforts with me. Notably, we are unable to eliminate all risk, therefore if we, or anyone who enters the premises tests positive for COVID, we will notify you, so you are informed and able to take the necessary precautions. Additionally, in the case where the clinic has an infection, we may be required to notify local health authorities or government bodies. If this is the case, we will only provide the minimum necessary information (in line with QR code check in data) to the relevant authorities. No further details regarding your interactions with Collaboration House Psychology, our psychologists, and our work together, will be disclosed.
Access to Health Records
You have a right to access your health information and ask for it to be corrected if necessary.
You will need to download and complete a Request for Access to Health Records form, also available from reception in the clinic. We may charge a fee (as allowed under legislation) for photocopying and sending the information. Our fee structure aligns to Health Records Act (2001); you may view information with the Health Complaint Commissioner. You may request of copy of our Access to Health Records Fee structure to be sent to you.
If your request is made online, we will need you to provide a certified copy of your identification before we can release your records. If you submit your request in the clinic, you can show your identification to staff who will make a copy of the identification when submitting the Request for Access to Health Records form.
If you wish to apply for access to the health records of a person who is not yourself (e.g., a child or someone who is deceased), please complete the Request for Access to Health Records form and provide evidence of your relationship to the person (e.g., parenting orders, power of attorney) of whom you are requesting records.
Please note, that access to client records for a child under 18 years of age requires signatures of both parents or legal guardians.
For further information, you can request a copy of this policy or learn more about the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities, and or the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights.

M: 0490 973 552 E:
3/143 Main Street, Greensborough VIC 3088
Privacy Policy | Confidentiality Policy | Non-attendance Policy | Copyright Statement | Copyright 2022 Collaboration House Psychology All right Reserved.
In the spirit of Reconciliation, River City Reflections acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land where we work and live. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We extend our respect to and celebrate the stories, culture and traditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders of all communities who also work and live on this land.