3/143 Main Street Greensborugh
0490 973 552
Feeling Sick: Should I still come in?
We understand that it is important to attend therapy.
If you're unwell, please stay at home and do telehealth!
We are getting into that part of the year when colds, flu, and other illnesses are floating around. Sometimes this might happen when you have an appointment scheduled at Collaboration House Psychology.
In the unfortunate event of illness within the two business days leading up to your appointment, you will be offered a Telehealth Video or Phone appointment as an alternative, otherwise the Non-Attendance (cancellation/reschedule) Fee Policy will apply.
We want you to get better if you're unwell! And Thank You in advance for your help to protect the health of your psychologist and the community at Collaboration House Psychology.
May I bring my child to my appointment?
What can I expect in an Face-to-Face Appointment?
Phone us at 0490 973 552 and speak with reception if you have any questions about this information.
What if I'm sick on the day?
You need to be well to attend any In-Person appointments for the health and safety of the community, clients, and staff. On the day of your appointment, you will receive an SMS/text alerting you that if you are feeling unwell, to please contact reception at 0490 973 552 to get a Telehealth Zoom link or arrange a phone session and not attend the session in-person. If you attend in-person and are unwell, the medical centre staff or your therapist will ask you to leave and your session will be rescheduled; The Non-Attendace Fee will apply.
We ask that you: Call us and change to Telehealth if you are:
awaiting a COVID, Flu, or RSV test result
within the 4 day isolation period after returning a positive RAT test and/or positive PCR test for COVID, Flu, or RSV
unwell with symptoms of COVID/cold/flu, such as a cough, sore throat, runny nose, shortness of breath, fatigue, fever or loss or change in sense of smell or taste in the last 48-hours.
awaiting clearance from isolation having been diagnosed with COVID, Flu, or RSV (within at least 4 days since diagnosis) and still experiencing symptoms listed above.
living with someone or having spent 4 or more hours in close contact with a person who has been diagnosed with COVID, Flu, or RSV (with at least 4 days since diagnosis).

Children and Dependents
Please make alternative care arrangements for any person you may be caring for the time of your appointment.
We ask clients who have carer responsibilities (parents with children, carers of dependents) to not bring the persons they are caring for into the clinic waiting area or to in-person client sessions. We do not have facilities for unsupervised children.
If you're having trouble arranging care for your appointment time, you may contact us to get a Telehealth Zoom link or do a phone session instead.

What can I expect in the In-Person session?
In the clinic, we will continue to encourage good hand hygiene (hand sanitiser is available in the office and washroom), and cough and sneeze etiquette (i.e., into the elbow or into a tissue).
You will be required to wear a mask entering the clinic/waiting area and in session.
Phone: 0490 973 552 | Fax: 03 8456 6202 | Location: 3/143 Main Street, Greensborough Victoria 3088
Privacy Policy | Confidentiality Policy | Non-attendance Policy | Copyright Statement | Copyright 2022 Collaboration House Psychology All right Reserved.
In the spirit of Reconciliation, River City Reflections acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land where we work and live. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We extend our respect to and celebrate the stories, culture and traditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders of all communities who also work and live on this land.